25 April 2010

Dolceacqua for Pizza, '07

We discovered it more by accident than anything. Driving from Menton on the french side of the France-Italy border we wound our way over the mountainous border to the quirky town of Dolceacqua.  Apart from its quirky shape and architecture, there is a wonderful pizzeria Il Borgo's, which claims to be 200 years old.  With prime seats by the hatch to the kitchen we had full view of the pizza-making and the open oven they are cooked in.  The pizzas matched our expectations.  We arrived at the restaurant starving and easily demolished everything put in front of us.

This was Claire's - bresaola, parmigiano and rocket.

1 comment:

  1. I went in search of an Italian pizza in Dublin at the weekend. My search took me to Ciao Bella Roma.
    It was good but not perfect. The capers and anchovies were deliciously salty, the tomato rich and the mozzarella a bit meaningless. The edge of the crust was lovely and charred but the centre of the base was a bit soggy.
    V.good but not close to the delicious Original in your photo.
